Seeds of Aloha Program
Traditional Hawaiian slack key music is a powerful vibration and rhythm of healing... soothing to emotional distresses and physical discomforts.
Neurologists have proven it can improve symptoms of many problems. And experiential evidence of thousands of people tells us the same. Seeds of Aloha is a program to get this music in the hands of the people it can help... Birth centers and new moms/babies... people undergoing treatment for cancer... people recovering from surgery... people in hospice care... people in long term care... people undergoing dialysis... parents and special needs children... animal rescue organizations... just to name a few! Soothing Power of Slack Key
Mahelona Medical CenterThe Long Term Care team identified 7-10 patients that can benefit from personalized, active music listening program. 7 iPods and iTunes cards have been donated through the hospital auxiliary. A fundraising concert & movie was held 10/18/2012.
"Stress is the leading cause of disease. Traditional slack key music is the most soothing and relaxing music in the world."
Music & Medicine Links:
Music Therapy Brings Dementia Patient 'Back to Life'
YouTube Video of Patient Response
Oliver Sacks, MD Neurologist and Author "Sacks describes how music can animate people with Parkinson’s disease who cannot otherwise move, give words to stroke patients who cannot otherwise speak, and calm and organize people whose memories are ravaged by Alzheimer’s or amnesia."
YouTube Video of Patient Response
Oliver Sacks, MD Neurologist and Author "Sacks describes how music can animate people with Parkinson’s disease who cannot otherwise move, give words to stroke patients who cannot otherwise speak, and calm and organize people whose memories are ravaged by Alzheimer’s or amnesia."