We thank you for considering supporting this important event! Your contribution has been cancelled at your request.
If you have any questions please contact us to assist:
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
You may also call (808) 826-1469 to speak to Sandy who is producing this event.
SKMC is a 501c3 nonprofit so part or all of your contribution is tax deductible. Read on for details...
If you have any questions please contact us to assist:
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
You may also call (808) 826-1469 to speak to Sandy who is producing this event.
SKMC is a 501c3 nonprofit so part or all of your contribution is tax deductible. Read on for details...
Don't use PayPal or Credit Card?... No worries... Send your check or money order to Slack Key Music Center, PO Box 1398, Kapaa, HI 96746.
MAKE A DONATION of your CHOICE (100% tax deductible)
Slack Key Days 2018 Sponsorship
$50 Sponsor List $100 Sponsor List + Web Ad $250 Sponsor List, Web Ad, and 1/4 page program ad $400 Sponsor List, Web Ad, and 1/2 page program ad $750 Sponsor List, Web Ad, and 1 page program ad (If you would like to discuss another sponsorship, please call Sandy at (808) 826-1469.) |
(Sponsorships are 75% tax deductible.) Make sure to include contact information for ads in the special instructions section.